Things to Note When Lubricating Linear Guides

Things to Note When Lubricating Linear Guides

Linear guide rails are very common components in many mechanical structures and are crucial to the stability and accuracy of equipment. Lubrication is a key part of maintaining guide rails. Regular lubrication can ease the wear of the guide rails and extend the service life of the guide rails. Today, we will talk in detail about the things you need to pay attention to when lubricating linear guides.

1. Choose the Right Lubricant

The selection of lubricating oil is related to the lubrication effect and operating performance. When selecting lubricants, the following factors should be considered:

Guide rail material:

Guide rails of different materials have different requirements for lubricating oil. For example, metal rails must have lubricants with good anti-wear properties.

Working environment:

Harsh environments such as high temperature, high humidity, and dust will have an impact on lubricating oil. Thus, it is necessary to choose a lubricant with corresponding resistance when selecting.

Frequency of use:

Guide rails that are used frequently must more frequent lubrication. In this case, lubricating oil with moderate viscosity and easy flow should be selected.

2. Determination of Lubrication Cycle

The lubrication cycle needs to be determined based on the use of the guide rail and the working environment. Here are some reference factors:

Frequency of use:

The higher the frequency of use of the guide rail, the shorter the lubrication cycle should be.

Working environment:

In relatively harsh working environments, such as high temperature, high humidity, dust, etc., the lubrication cycle should be shortened accordingly.

Equipment downtime:

If the equipment is down for a long time, the lubrication cycle can be appropriately extended.

3. Selection of Lubrication Method

The selection should be based on the actual situation of the equipment and ease of operation. The following are several common lubrication methods:

Manual lubrication method:

The operator needs to manually add lubricating oil to the guide rail regularly. This method is simple to operate and low in cost, and is suitable for small equipment or scenarios with fewer lubrication points.

Automatic refueling method:

Automatically add lubricating oil to the guide rail through a lubrication pump and other equipment. Suitable for continuous operation of equipment and many lubrication points. This method has high lubrication efficiency, controllable lubrication quantity, and low labor cost.

Oil injection lubrication method:

Set oil injection holes on the guide rail. Lubrication is achieved by injecting lubricating oil into the inside of the guide rail through an oiler. This method has a stable lubrication effect and is suitable for equipment with smaller power. But, since the lubricating oil needs to be replaced frequently, the cost is higher.

Built-in oil storage block lubrication method:

an oil storage block is installed inside the guide rail. Lubricate the guide rails through the oil film of the oil reservoir. This method does not must adding lubricating oil, but the oil reservoir needs to be replaced regularly. Suitable for equipment that requires long-term continuous operation.

4. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Also to regular lubrication, the guide rails also must regular cleaning and maintenance. Here are some suggestions:

Regular cleaning:

Use special cleaning agents and tools to thoroughly remove oil, dust and impurities from the surface of the guide rails. When cleaning, avoid using highly corrosive cleaners to avoid damaging the rail surface.

Check the wear:

Check the wear of the guide rails regularly and replace seriously worn parts in time. Seriously worn guide rails will affect the accuracy and stability of the equipment.

Adjust the preload force:

According to the actual situation of the guide rail, adjust the preload force on time to ensure the smooth operation of the guide rail.

5. Benefits of Regular Lubrication

Regular lubrication of linear guides can provide the following benefits:

Reduce wear:

Lubricating oil can reduce friction between the guide rail and the slider. Reduce the wear rate and extend the service life of the guide rail.

Improve accuracy:

Good lubrication ensures smooth operation of the guide rails. Reduce vibration and noise and improve the processing accuracy of the equipment.

Reduce energy consumption:

Well-lubricated guide rails have less resistance during operation, which can reduce the energy consumption of the equipment.

Extend equipment life:

Regular lubrication can reduce equipment failure rates, improve equipment reliability and stability, thereby extending equipment life.

Master the correct lubrication and regular maintenance methods. Keep the guide rail in a stable and reliable operating condition. If you have any other questions or need to buy suitable guide rails, please feel free to contact us!

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